Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing what you have always done and expecting different results.”
This couldn’t be more relevant when it comes to sustaining the improvement process. 5S events and auditing systems are not enough. In order to improve, behavior has to change in every member of the company. First, changes must come from leadership.
These activities may seem like more work than it’s worth, but they are not. While the process of behavior change is front-end loaded and full of challenges, the returns on cultural change are enormous and almost impossible for your competitors to replicate. Also, keep in mind that behavior changes apply to almost any form of worthwhile improvement strategy.
In fact, I recently had the privilege of meeting with a leader who is making tremendous progress. He said, “If you’re not focused on changing behavior, beginning with yourself, you’re faking it.” Learn more about the 5 must have qualities for a leader today!