Our Services

Lean Consulting


Customized Lean Solutions for Real-World Results

Lean Partners’ has been providing lean consulting services to over one hundred clients since 2004.

Our team’s approach starts simply by understanding “how you make money, and what’s keeping you from making more?” We don’t take a cookie-cutter approach to lean. While we rely on the proven principles of the Toyota Production System, our experience in owning and leading manufacturing businesses shapes our consulting method into a very practical, results-focused approach. We understand you have to balance running a business and improving it at the same time. We also understand that every company is starting at a different point, so we’ll meet you where you are at and devise a customized approach to maximize your short and long-term results.

Your Roadmap to Lean Success

Our process starts with an on-site assessment of where you are starting from and what the opportunity is to improve. From there, our team puts together a customized roadmap that typically includes the following elements:

This customized plan is provided to you at no cost and with no obligation.  It helps us live two of our core values of “No Guessing” and “Provide Value” and you get to interact with our team to see if we’re a good fit, while understanding what type of conservative ROI you should expect from your investment.
